본문 바로가기

Study/Pattern English

Grade 3 2nd Week Day 08 - 충고하기

You have to... : 넌 ~해야 해

You'll have to... : 넌 ~해야 할 거야

You don't have to... : 넌 ~하지 않아도 돼

You must... : 넌 꼭 ~해야 돼

You must not... : 너 절대로 ~하면 안 돼.

You have to... : 넌 ~해야 해

You have to try harder.

더 노력 해야 돼.

You have to keep it a secret.

그걸 비밀로 해야 돼.

You have to cut down on your drinking.

술을 줄여야 해.

You have to get a driver's license.

운전면허를 따야 해.

You'll have to... : 넌 ~해야 할 거야

You'll have to be back by 10.

10시까지는 돌아와야 할 거야.

You'll have to wait a while for that.

그건 좀 기다려야 할 거야.

You'll have to pay for that.

그것에 대해 대가를 치러야 될 거야.

You'll have to do better than this next time.

다음번엔 이것보다 더 잘 해야 될 거야.

You don't have to... : 넌 ~하지 않아도 돼

You don't have to thank me.

나한테 고마워하지 않아도 돼.

You don't have to do it right away.

그거 지금 당장 도 돼.

You don't have to pay attention to that.

그런 말에 신경 쓸 것 없어.

You don't have to pay for it.

그거 돈 낼 필요 없어.

You must... : 넌 꼭 ~해야 돼

You must meet the deadline!

마감일을 꼭 맞춰야 해!

You must make the choice.

선택을 해야 돼.

You must come and see this.

네가 꼭 와서 이걸 봐야 돼.

You must hear this rock band.

이 록 밴드 노래를 들어봐야 돼

You must not... : 너 절대로 ~하면 안 돼

You must not give up.

절대로 포기하면 안 돼.

You must not get drunk.

취하면 절대 안 돼.

You must not get excited.

절대로 흥분하면 안 돼.

You must not eat too much.

너무 많이 먹으면 안 돼.