When did you...? : 언제 ~했니?
When are you ~ing? : 언제 ~할 거니?
When are you going to...? : 언제 ~할 거니?
When is the best time...? : 언제 ~하는 게 가장 좋아?
When was the last time...? : 마지막으로 ~한 게 언제였지?
When did you...? : 언제 ~했니?
When did you get married?
언제 결혼했니?
When did you move to Seattle?
언제 시애틀로 이사 왔어?
When did you lose all that weight?
언제 그 살들을 다 뺀 거야?
When did you take the position?
언제 그 직책을 맡았어요?
When are you ~ing? : 언제 ~할 거니?
When are you leaving for Toronto?
토론토로 언제 떠나는 거야?
When are you planning to tell her?
그 애한테 언제 말할 계획이야?
When are you expecting?
출산 예정일이 언제예요?
When are you planting the garden?
정원에 나무를 언제 심을 거니?
When are you going to...? : 언제 ~할 거니?
When are you going to finish that bear?
그 맥주 언제 다 마실 거야?
When are you going to make up with Tom?
톰이랑 언제 화해할 거니?
When are you going to teach me to swim?
너 언제 나한테 수영 가르쳐줄 거야?
When are you going to get your own place?
집은 언제 살 거야?
When is the best time...? : 언제 ~하는 게 가장 좋아?
When is the best time for you?
넌 언제가 제일 좋은데?
When is the best time to call?
언제 전화하는 게 가장 좋니?
When is the best time to buy a house?
언제 집을 사는 게 가장 좋을까?
When is the best time to visit lreland?
아일랜드를 방문하려면 언제가 제일 좋아?
When was the last time...? : 마지막으로 ~한 게 언제였지?
When was the last time you had a holiday?
네가 마지막으로 휴가 간 게 언제였지?
When was the last time we went out for a drink?
최근에 우리가 술마시러 나간 게 언제였지?
When was the last time you had a physical exam?
최근에 건강 검진을 받은 게 언제였어요?
When was the last time we saw each other?
우리가 마지막으로 만난 게 언제였더라?