본문 바로가기

Study/Pattern English

Day 08 - 무엇인지 묻기

What is your...? : 너의 ~는 뭐야? 

What are you going to...? : 뭘 ~할 거야?

What is... like? : ~는 어때?

What kind of...? : 어떤 종류의 ~를 ...해?

What happened to...? : ~가 어떻게 된 거야?

What is your...? : 너의 ~는 뭐야?

What is your problem?

문제가 뭐야?

What is your point?

요점이 뭐야?

What is your height?

가 어떻게 돼?

What is your budget?

예산이 어느 정도인데?


What are you going to...? : 뭘 ~할 거야?

What are you going to do this weekend?

이번 주말에 거야?

What are you going to tell her?

그 애에게 뭐라고할 거야?

What are you going to bake?

구울 거야?

What are you going to see when you're there?

거기 가면 거니?

What is... like? : ~는 어때?

What is he like?

그 사람 어때?

What is New Zealand like?

뉴질랜드는 어때?

What is the food like?

음식 어땠어?

What is the weather like?

날씨는 어땠나요?

What kind of...? : 어떤 종류의 ~를 ...해?

What kind of job are you looking for?

어떤 직업 찾고 있나요?

What kind of experience do you have?

어떤 경력가지고 있어요?

What kind of question is that?

무슨 질문그러냐?

What kind of man would do that?

어떤 사람그런 걸 하겠어?

What happened to...? : ~가 어떻게 된 거야?

What happened to your leg?

다리가 어쩌다 그렇게 됐어?

What happened to your car?

네 차 왜 저래?

What happened to Bill?

한테 무슨 일이 있었던 거야?

What happened to our original plan?

우리 원래 계획은 어떻게 된 거니?