Day 02 - 준비 묻고 답하기
2015. 11. 17.
Are you ready to...? : ~할 준비가 됐어? I'm not ready to... : ~할 준비가 안 됐어.I was about to... : ~하려던 참이었어.I was just going to... : 막 ~하려고 했어.I'm planning to... : ~할 계획이야. Are you ready to...? : ~할 준비가 됐어? Are you ready to go?갈 준비 다 됐니? Are you ready to study English?영어 공부할 준비가 되었나요? Are you ready to catch the ball?공 잡을 준비 됐어? Are you ready to the test?시험 볼 준비가 된 거야? I'm not ready to... : ~할 준비가 안 됐어. I'..