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키보드의 32 가지 비밀 조합

Win keyboard

키보드의 32 가지 비밀 조합

▶ Win ▶ opens the Start Menu, in Windows 8.1 ▶ opens the previous window;

▶ Win + A ▶ opens the Action Center (in Windows 10);

▶ Win + B ▶ selects the first icon in the Notification Area (you can then switch between the icons using the arrow keys);

▶ Win + Ctrl + B ▶ switches to a program indicating a new message in the Notification Area;

▶ Win + C shows the Charm Bar (in Windows 8 and 8.1); in Windows 10 it opens Cortana (if you’re using a supported language);

▶ Win + D ▶ shows the desktop (immediately minimizes all the opened windows);

▶ Win + E ▶ opens Windows Explorer; in Windows 10 opens the Quick Launch by default;

▶ Win + F ▶ opens ’Find files and folders’;

▶ Win + Ctrl + F ▶ opens ’Find computers’;

▶ Win + G ▶ brings all gadgets to the foreground that are in process (only in Windows 7 and Vista); opens the Game bar in Windows 10;

▶ Win + K ▶ opens a new Start menu ▶ Connections (in Windows 8 and 8.1);

▶ Win + L ▶ changes user or locks the workstation;

▶ Win + M ▶ minimizes all windows;

▶ Win + ▶ Shift + M ▶ restores windows that were minimized;

▶ Win + O ▶ locks device orientation (disables the gyroscope function on tablets);

▶ Win + P ▶ switches operating modes to an external monitor/projector (only in Windows 7 and newer);

▶ Win + Q ▶ opens Search charm for installed apps (checked in Windows 8);

▶ Win + R ▶ opens the ’Run dialog’ box;

▶ Win + T ▶ switches focus to the Taskbar (only in Windows 7 and newer);

▶ Win + U ▶ opens the Utility Manager;

▶ Win + W ▶ opens Windows Ink Workspace (notes, screenshots);

▶ Win + X ▶ opens the Windows Mobile Application Center (only for mobile computers in Windows Vista and 7);

▶ Win + Y ▶ starts Yahoo! Messenger (if installed).

OS X keyboard

Command + Up Arrow ▶ Immediately scroll to the top of any webpage.

Command + Down Arrow ▶ Immediately scroll to the bottom of any webpage.

Command + Semicolon ▶ Cycle through misspelled words in any given document.

Command + 1 (2, 3) ▶ Use this shortcut to conveniently cycle through any open tabs you have in your browser. Command + 1 will take you to the first tab, Command + 2 will take you to the second, and so on.

Option + Delete ▶ This handy keyboard shortcut will delete words one word at a time, as opposed to one letter at a time. This works all across OS X, whether you’re typing in TextEdit or even when typing a website into your browser’s URL bar.

Command + H ▶ Quickly hide all open windows from the currently active app.

Command + Shift + T ▶ Instantly open up the most recently closed tab in your browser. This is a lifesaver if you accidentally close a window and can’t remember the URL.

Command + F3 ▶ This handy shortcut instantly removes all app windows from view and lets you take a gander at your desktop. To bring your apps back, simply press the keys again.

Option + Shift + Volume Up/Volume down ▶ Increase or decrease your machine’s volume in much smaller increments. This comes in especially handy when you’re trying to get your audio output levels just right.