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About/Travel story



In a country blessed with an abundance of scenic beauty,the Sigatoka Sand Dunes stand out   as  one of the more unique wonders of Fiji.

In July 1989, the dunes were designated as Fiji's first National Park under the management of the National Trust of Fiji Islands.

This distinct feature covers an area of 650 hectares and offers a rich combination of geomorphological, ecological, cultural and

aesthetical attributes.

The National Park is of great importance for educational and recreational use and is a milestone in Fiji's drive for environment


The dunes contain a diverse mixture of endemic and introduced plant species.  

The National Park also plays host to 22 species of bird, eight of which are endemic to Fiji, 

including the Fiji Bush Warbler,Fiji Goshawk, Orange-breasted Mycenaean, Skinks, Lizards, Geckos and Fruit

bats find refuge in the park's diverse habitats.

La pita History

The Sigatoka Sand Dunes are famous for their rich archaeological history. The first significant clues to man's arrival in fiji were discovered at the Park in the late 1980's when a team of archaeologists uncovered an ancient burial site. to date over 50 individuals have be excavated and their arrival has been dated to approximately 2600 years ago. Scatters of pottery shards and other cultural materials found within the dunes have led experts to believe that these early inhabitants are of Lapita origin. Lapita takes its name from an archaeological site in New caledonia where similar pottery was first discovered.

The Sand Dunes have produced the largest collection of complete and near complete Lapita pots from the Pacific region. Today evidence of the past is clearly visible throughout the dunes system as stone tools; human remains and pottery continue to be uncovered by natural processes. Many unearthed artifacts are on display at the Fiji Museum in Suva. 

난디에서 남쪽으로 80km 정도 떨어진 작은 마을인 싱가토카. 차로는 1시간 30분정도를 달려 가야 했다.

한국의 여의도 공원의 2배 크기면적에 모래언덕이 샌드듄 국립공원이다.

정문? 앞으로가면 입장료를 내야하고 뒤에 마을에서 가파른 언덕을 기어 올라가면 공짜다.

나는 공짜를 택하고는 올라갔는데 너무 가파라 그런지 내가 저질 체력이라 그런지 힘들었다.

올라간 소감은? 아! 한번쯤은 와볼만하고 바닷가를 내려다보는 곳에서선 그 바람이 너무너무 시원했다.

유네스코에 등제 됐다는데 관리는 그다지...

뭐 이나라는 아직 관리 이딴거랑 안어울리는 원시의 모습이 더 매력이라 할 수 있다.

거기서 비닐장판 썰매를 타보면 엄청 신난다. ㅎㅎ