본문 바로가기

Study/Pattern English

Day 12 - 원하는 것 묻기

Do you want to...? : ~할래?

Don't you wanna...? : ~하지 않을래?

What do you want to...? : 뭘 ~하고 싶어?

Why do you want to...? : 왜 ~하고 싶니?

When do you want to...? : 언제 ~하고 싶어?

Do you want to...? : ~할래?

Do you want to have some dessert?

디저트 좀 먹을래?

Do you want to see my pictures?

내 사진 볼래?

Do you want to come with me?

나랑 같이 갈래?

Do you want to grab a bite? (grab a bite - 간단히 먹다) 

간단히 뭐 좀 먹을까?

Don't you wanna...? : ~하지 않을래?

Don't you wanna join us?

우리랑 같이 하지 않을래?

Don't you wanna Know anything more?

더 알고 싶지 않니?

Don't you wanna learn how to drive?

운전하는 거 배우지 않을래?

Don't you wanna wear your sunglasses?

선그라스 쓰지 그래?

What do you want to...? : 뭘 ~하고 싶어?

What do you want to drink?

마시고 싶어?

What do you want to hear?

고 싶은 게 뭐야?

What do you want to eat for lunch?

점심 고 싶어?

What do you want to do after graduation?

졸업한 다음에 고 싶어요?

Why do you want to...? : 왜 ~하고 싶니?

Why do you want to have a dog?

개를 키우고 싶은데?

Why do you want to move to busan?

부산으로 이사 가고 싶은 거야?

Why do you want to have the party here?

여기에서 파티를 하고 싶은데?

Why do you want to stir up trouble?

넌 왜 문제를 일으키려고 하는 거야?

When do you want to...? : 언제 ~하고 싶어?

When do you want to come?

언제고 싶어?

When do you want to eat?

언제고 싶니?

When do you want to leave?

언제 떠나고 싶어?

When do you want to meet?

언제 만날까?